How do we discern and follow God’s call?
I think the way we look at “picking” a job changes significantly if we see work not as a choice or a career but as a “calling.” One serves us, the other serves God. And a calling from God certainly seems to limit the jobs that line up with His character.
Maybe we’re willing to do whatever God wants as long as it pays a certain salary. Maybe we’ll go wherever God leads after we make enough money to fund that next step or get enough education to enable it. Maybe we are content with starting a Bible study at a company that does unGodly work, justifying the things we do during the day so we can be a “light.”
As I have thought about this week’s question and discussed it with some of you, these scriptures have come to mind. I’m not 100% sure how they all intersect when it comes to discerning and following God’s call, but they should certainly inform our beliefs:
- Genesis 22:1-18 – God tells Abraham to sacrifice his only son, the son he has longed for and that was finally given to him when he was 100. Abraham is clear on the what and how of God’s calling, but the why was not clear at all (at the time of the call)…in fact, it seems to contradict God’s character.
- Matthew 14:22-33 – Peter walks on water out to Jesus. Peter initiated the call and Jesus responded, “Come.” The what and the why were clear (Peter just wanted to come to Jesus), but the how was not clear at all…there was absolutely no scientific explanation for the ability to walk on water and, as a fisherman, Peter had to know that the safest place in the middle of a storm was on a boat, not stepping out into the middle of the sea.
- John 10:1-18 – Jesus talks about the sheep following the shepherd when he calls out to them because “they know his voice.” He also says the sheep will run away from strangers because they do not recognize the stranger’s voice. There certainly seems to be a relationship between discerning the voice of the shepherd and the action of following.
- Matthew 25:14-30 – the parable of the talents. I’ve always been confused about whether it is just a coincidence that this ancient currency shares a name with our modern word for natural ability, but regardless, it seems to suggest we are to invest what God has given us for the purpose of bringing a return to Him.
- Romans 12:3-8 – last week, JB talked about verses 1-2, seeing ourselves as living sacrifices to God. Verses 3-8 go on to say that we have to humble ourselves, realizing we are members in a body, each being gifted uniquely and having an individual role to play for the sake of something bigger than ourselves.
Are you actively working to discern the Good Shepherd’s voice? How? Is it possible that He will lead you into an unGodly job to be a light or to learn or make money to provide for your family or support your local church? Is it possible that God is/has been calling you out of your current job because the work that you do is not Godly?
How important is it to understand what your talents are and to find a job that utilizes them?
What changes when you realize God does not exist for your glory but you for His? How do you follow God’s call knowing that you are but a member of a larger body and you may just be the toenail?
Feel free to comment on one or more of these questions – we’re not in a rush. If we need to keep talking about how to follow His call for a few more weeks, we’ll do that.