How should faith influence our political positions?
So what then? How do/should we form political positions on gay marriage, abortion, war, creation, gun control, taxes, etc., etc.? Is it just scripture? Should experiences/emotions/church history be part of the mix?
The issue of scripture is obviously important for me. I don't like using words like 'inerrant' or 'infallible' because scripture doesn't claim that for itself. Those are post-enlightenment categories that are violently applied to scripture for self-serving reasons. I prefer the Bible's own language of "inspired" and "useful". Now, don't start getting angry and think that I have a low view of scripture. I don't. I just want to be clear what we are arguing and defending. I have no way of discussing this here, but if you want to get into the larger conversation going on there are a few things you can do. I wrote a few posts about a year ago on my own blog having something to do with this issue so you can at least read what I think there. They are flawed thoughts, like most of what I think. However, they both reference a few books and articles that are written by less-flawed individuals with much sharper minds and words than myself. But take a look at what these guys have written as well. It will open you up to new ideas and see the larger conversation all of this is a part of. Here are links to my posts:
1. Three Thoughts on the Bible
2. A Few Thoughts on Inerrancy (I really should be more creative with my titles...)
The scriptural issues are another ballgame. But they are interrelated. All that stuff needs to be kept in mind while dealing with any issue, so know that I am assuming what I have written above for everything else I say. Below I have sketched out a short example of how I go about examining and determining my beliefs about some of these political issues. This process is not simple and I usually wrestle hard over this stuff. And I am convinced that faith is what allows me to come to any decision. Not certitude. Faith. Not that I'm right but rather that I am doing my best to follow the story of scripture and that it is OK for me to make a mistake. God is big enough for my mistakes. And I hope the Spirit guides me despite my mistakes.
Before I start, I want to clarify that this is not intended to be prescriptive; this is just the way I think through issues like politics. I hope it challenges us to take a different approach to thinking about issues...not necessarily this approach:
1) The first thing I should do is take a minute to think through why I hold the position I do (emotionally, intellectually, culturally, traditionally, and scripturally). This varies from issue to issue. Some issues are highly emotional to me because they have directly impacted my life. Others I feel less passionately about and that is OK. But I must recognize how each part plays into an issue. I must take each of these aspects seriously. But, it is important to try to figure out why I feel/think/believe what I do as a starting point. Many times I can recognize that I am in no position to formulate an opinion because of some other issues I must deal with first. So I start here.
2) Now I think about the larger Biblical narrative (creation, fall, redemption, new-creation) in order to think through a biblical perspective on the issues at hand. But it is good to start with the big picture. 1) My theology must be rooted in Creation. It places itself within the context of a Creator God who ordered the cosmos. It remembers this Creator God declared his creation 'Very Good'. This God created man in his image. 2) It must also take into account the fall. Not just of man, but of all creation. Every part of life is touched by the fall. This is not to say that everything or everyone is completely ruined, but the image of God has been scarred badly and the 'Good' creation has been tarnished by sin. 3) It also looks to the resurrected Jesus as the climax of redemption. Although the whole of scripture witnesses to God's redeeming action, Jesus is the pinnacle of this. And He wants to redeem everything. Everything that is fallen is a target for his redemption. 4) And finally, this redemption is consummated in the new creation that God has begun in Jesus. This new creation 'comes down' from heaven to earth. God will not scrap his original creation--much like a painter will not scrap his masterpiece--but rather He will restore it. This is a very basic and simple outline, but it is how I would at least begin this process.
3) Without prooftexting (picking random, unrelated scriptures to prove my point) and logical fallacies, I try to pull together a coherent argument using the revelation of scripture, my own experience, and the traditions of the church. This involves a lot of work; reading, wrestling, discussion, and prayer. Most importantly prayer. But having the big picture in mind I can begin to develop my thoughts on the issue at hand.
4) Now I can deal with the broader issues but only after the hard work of understanding the story I am a part of. An example: earth-keeping. Creation is a gift from God, and our relationship to the earth should be that of both steward to creation and as a fellow creature of God (Genesis 1-4). My focus on earth-keeping is in sync with both God's love of his creation (therefore, our love, because we are in the image of God), recognition of the fallenness of creation (Genesis-Revelation), and hope of God's new-creation (Revelation), while rejecting the anti-creation sentiment of the Left Behind series (as one example) and the escapist attitude of most American Christianity. I wholeheartedly believe God will not destroy this earth, but rather renew it and our work (and life) should be in accord with this act of new-creation of God.
5) I can now begin to make decisions on smaller aspects of the issue at hand because of my ability to articulate the larger narrative. I can now deal with the specifics--for earth-keeping at least--of pollution, destruction of the earth, oil, energy conservation, organic produce, animal husbandry, local farming, etc. And all of this is held in faith with open hands. I need to constantly go back to #1 to rethink my position.
It is a long process that requires patience but I hope that helps you see how I process this stuff. For issues like abortion or gay marriage, I would say, for me, these are smaller parts of two larger issues--namely, a life-giving God, and a God who desires his creation to live in harmonious intimate relationships in an ordered creation. I would have to work through these larger issues using the framework above (loosely, of course) before I dealt with either of these specific examples. So, needless to say, I am hesitant in telling you what I think seeing as I have a lot of work to do.
This process is obviously inadequate and meant to be an outline, not a thorough, detailed checklist, but I hope it takes us out of this mentality of trying to develop a political platform that we take to the streets. Personally, I think we could all stand to spend more time researching/wrestling through issues before we proclaim them as being Biblically based.
What do you guys think? How do you evaluate your own views on political issues? Do you look at your emotions as well as the scriptural basis? Do you examine the traditional as well as the cultural contexts in which you find yourself? Do you have another model you use to help inform your political views—or to inform the rest of your life, for that matter? My hope is that we will not fall victim to literalism, traditionalism, or legalism, but rather have thoughtful, informed Christian worldviews that take into account more than our cultural biases, more than our emotional reactions, and are much more than intellectual exercises. How do you do this? How can we do this?