Would Jesus discriminate?
- Jesus affirmed a gay couple. Matthew 8:5-13.
- David loved Jonathan more than women. II Samuel 1:26.
- Ruth loved Naomi as Adam loved Eve. Genesis 2:24; Ruth 1:14.
- Jesus said some are born gay. Matthew 19:10-12.
- The early church welcomed a gay man. Acts 8:26-40.
"I can already hear tires screeching across Indianapolis as folks see the billboards," said Reverend Jeff Miner, Senior Pastor of Jesus MCC. "Most people have no idea that the Bible contains passages that powerfully affirm gay people."
On www.WouldJesusDiscriminate.com, there is a short video in which a man explains how "good-hearted" Christians have used the Bible to support wrong stances on significant issues such as slavery, voting rights for women, and interracial marriage. How could we have been so wrong? His answer: "They allowed deeply ingrained cultural prejudices to distort their interpretation of the Scriptures on each of those issues...For all of human history, slavery had been regarded as an established institution, it just seemed to be part of God's natural creation. For all of human history, women had been denied the right to vote. This too just seemed to be part of God's natural order...we pray that we would never make that kind of mistake again...Could most Christians be wrong again today when they say God condemns homosexual relationships?"
The website also has rebuttals for Romans 1:21-28, Leviticus 18 and 20, Sodom and Gomorrah, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, and 1 Timothy 1:10.
I'm not 100% sure what they mean when asking "Would Jesus discriminate?" I don't know if they are asking whether Jesus would withhold love, grace, redemption, compassion, forgiveness...but I do assume they are talking specifically about discriminating between heterosexual and homosexual men/women. So what do you think? Would Jesus discriminate?