Monday, November 13, 2006

How can we be what we should be right where we are?

I saw an interesting quote this week from Elton John. In addition to some comments about religion and homosexuality we could discuss for weeks, he said that, in general, people these days are too busy blogging on the internet to go out onto the streets to stand up for what they believe in. "They seem to do their protesting online and that's not good enough. You have to get out there and be seen to be vocal, and you've got to do it time and time again."

Sir Elton has got me pegged.

dany's comment from a few weeks ago keeps resonating in my head: "the call to obey is never absent." I feel like we spend too much time addressing secondary issues in our lives and justifying our actions and not enough considering those ways in which we disobey God every day at work. Similarly, as GJ pointed out from James 4:17, "Anyone, then, who knows the good he ought to do and doesn't do it, sins." How many of us know things we should be doing differently and simply refuse to do them?

One of my favorite quotes is from Os Guinness: "It is not that the Christians are not where they should be, the problem is that they are not what they should be right where they are."

So, using some lessons I learned from Daniel about how to work in an unGodly environment to His glory, I'll start us off by confessing those things I know I should be doing now...and those of you who I see/talk to on a regular basis better make sure I'm actually doing these things and not just blogging about them (and I'm going to be super-practical so I can't hide behind some lame, half-hearted effort):

Lessons from Daniel:
1) He made little decisions to the glory of God when under the authority of a non-believing boss (chose not to eat the food given by the king)
2) Distinguished himself and glorified God through the quality of his work (4 different kings appointed him to leadership positions because they could see God through Daniel's work...every boss and co-worker knew that Daniel worshipped God)
3) Lived above reproach (jealous co-workers couldn't find anything to accuse him of so they used his religion to trap him)
4) Unwavering commitment to prayer (the king signed a decree that all who pray to anyone but the king would be thrown to the lions and Daniel responded by praying to God...Daniel prayed with such regularity that the co-workers knew the time of day and location where he would be praying when they sought to trap him)
5) He spoke the truth regardless of the circumstances (God gave him words to speak and he shared them...and amazingly, while all he could expect was to be killed by the kings for bringing such news, each time he was rewarded)

The five ways I can start obeying God right now:
1) Refuse to start or join in conversation that demeans other team members...instead, I will advocate for them. I will also explain to my project managers why I can't/won't endorse recommendations that I believe contradict with God's design for business.
2) Be disciplined during the day to stay off of,, and to ensure I produce the highest quality work every day
3) Be honest with Erica and my close friends about my deeper struggles so they can be exposed and addressed before blowing up at work
4) Commit to daily prayer, even prayer throughout the day, about the people I work with and the decisions I make at work
5) Be honest in every way at work -- this includes talking more openly about Jesus (I often choose not to bring Him up when opportunities present themselves) and giving people direct, candid feedback

I do some of these five things OK, but others are huge struggles. The call to obey, to do good right where I am, is unavoidable.

Blogs have their limitations...and true, vulnerable community is not really easily attainable through this medium. And I don't think this is the place for deep, intimate community. But I hope we can use this blog to drive people into the streets, to take the stuff we talk about here and translate that into action.

What are the things you feel God is calling you to do that you have been ignoring/ avoiding/ procrastinating? How can you be the man God called you to be right where you are?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

okay, besides you, i will open up a little here. I know there are tons of ways i could be a more faithful follower at work and it could be overwhelming trying to think of the things i could, or "need" to do. So, the ways I specifically want to improve at work is to:

1) Be kinder. Be kind to all those i am around. help them if they need help. lend an ear or a kind word.
2) be a positive influence. overcome the negative with the positive. be upbeat, always ready to encourage and make others smile.
3) be more diligent at my job. make others see that work is a good thing and that i enjoy mine. who knows, maybe it will rub off on them.
4) and the hardest for me, once again to practice praying throughout the day for God's presence and light on my life. i will leave this one brief as it would open another can of worms on prayer in my life. had a lot of disappointment with that area and am trying to get back to trusting again!

okay fella's bring it on!

November 14, 2006 8:42 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well, how we eat, have babies, laugh...they all matter (personally and theologically!) and are practices connceted to our locality.

Here's a list of things to check out:

Amy Laura Hall on family.
A Diamond Engagement Ring?
Read a book: A Better Hope
Take Steps, With Your Neighbors.
Need a wedding dress?
Read a book: Capitalism and Religion

December 02, 2006 2:50 PM  

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