How have you been counter-cultural?
The number of hours we work, the amount of money we make, the stuff we own have all become badges of honor we wear proudly for the world to see while they slowly eat away at us on the inside. I wonder how things would be different if we started "bragging" about different things. What if instead of "I put in 90 hours last week," I told people "I had an unbelievable weekend with my wife?" What if instead of "I bought a new 42" plasma," I told people "I just got rid of our cable?"
In the comments to last week's post, Greg said, "I am happy to say I've never missed a birthday or sonogram appointment in the 10 years I've been in consulting." Awesome. We need to hear about more men doing these kinds of things.
This forum is certainly no substitute for real, face-to-face, intimate community (I truly hope each of us is searching for Godly community at work -- I talked to a guy about praying in the office on Fridays...only took me 3 years to do that) but I do think we can accomplish some things via blog. Namely the exchange of ideas. So that's what I want to do this week -- open it up for you to offer advice/encouragement/examples of practical, counter-cultural things we can strive for at work and at home. Examples may include refusing to miss birthdays, spending more time with our families, selling our stuff and giving sacrificially to the Church and the poor. If you have done counter-cultural things at work or with your money, tell us what/how/why. Give us Scripture to think about.
I'm hoping that by knowing some of the other things you guys have done, things we should consider in our own lives, we'd be encouraged to live more obediently, more simply, more generously. An amazing result of that lifestyle would be the opportunity to then speak counter-culturally in everyday conversation.
How can we get started?