Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Is technology that mimics Creation any better?

I don't know about you guys, but I'm starting to get worn out with the technology discussion. But I have to dedicate one more post to it (for now) because I was pleasantly surprised recently by an article that I think offers some semblance of redemption to this debate.

This article in American Way (American Airlines' illustrious magazine) may not win a Pulitzer, but its topic is very cool: biomimicry, or biologically inspired design. Some examples of technology highlighted in the article:
  • Removing blood from hospital linens without using bleach by studying insects like mosquitoes
  • Self-cleaning paint, roof shingles, and fabric modeled after the lotus plant's leaves
  • Buildings in Zimbabwe that don't need air conditioning because they are designed to mimic a termite mound

Of course biomimicry doesn't necessarily address some of the deeper spiritual issues we've discussed like the way technology distracts us from or encourages us not to rely upon God. But it does clearly reflect Him and His creativity. So with all the problems technology presents, should we encourage/pursue this kind of invention? Just because it is based on Creation, does that make it any better?


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